After consulting the members of the Board of Directors, we noted the uncertainties over the next 3 months and the current impossibility of financially committing the association.
Consequently, the 10th anniversary of the Ecofête du Pesqué will not take place on July 5, 2020 but on July 4, 2021.
Some photos of the 9th edition of ECOFÊTE du Pesqué which took place on Sunday July 7, 2019 in Perchède. Many exhibitors were present with several activities on the program, for all tastes and all ages.
For athletes: cycle touring, hiking, forest walk.
But also exhibitions, children's entertainment, videos, kayaking, pinnacle rides ...
And of course Gascon meals (Bio) with music and several concerts.
The theme for this 2019 season was Sustainable Food with talks on the subject.
A conference from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. hosted by Véronique CHAMPOMIER
With: Michel DURU, Yassir YEBBA, Donald LECOMTE .
Thanks to the Vocal Group "Le Rouge et Noir" from Villeneuve de Marsan for the sound system.
Photos: Gilbert TAROZZI

ECOFETE 2019 : Alain Marin sur le stand de la Région Occitanie en présence de Fatma ADDA Conseillère Régionale Occitanie et l’équipe de la Maison de la Région à Auch.

Conférence - De gauche à droite : Véronique Champomier, animatrice - Donald Lecomte, DRAAF Occitanie - Michel Duru, INRA Toulouse - Yassir Yebba, cuisinier anthropologue, membre du collectif Les Pieds dans le Plat - Bernard Pierre, président de PIMAO

ECOFETE 2019 : Alain Marin sur le stand de la Région Occitanie en présence de Fatma ADDA Conseillère Régionale Occitanie et l’équipe de la Maison de la Région à Auch.
Sunday July 7, 2019 in Perchède (Gers), pond of Pesqué was held the 9th edition of the Ecofête whose theme was: "sustainable food a transition at hand".
Director Gilles Dréanic - Production "Les baladins du Pesqué"
Thanks to Jean-Luc GALVAN from PARLEMTV .